Call for a free quotation visit on 020 3059 3700 and leave us as a voicemail if we are not available.
We are proud to see the value in providing free after service for our customers, as this is not only ethical but also keep us in touch with customers for longer and generate additional work orders from their family or friend circle. In fact, most our work comes directly from those recommendations.
The level of guaranteed depends on time lapse since completion of the project.
Within first six months from completion, we are treating work side as still live despite that is paid, so any problem will be addresses in next two working day. Service includes also re decorating of any tiny cracks in the plaster appeared sometimes once only following major construction work even if you did not instruct us to fit lining paper.
After six months. Work is guaranteed for minimum of 10 years[1] for any workmanship defect with reaction time 5 working days to put thinks right[2]
Additional Info:
[1] Some building products we use for example appliances, windows, roof materials etc may have even greater warranty on them, often 15 or even 20 years.
[2] For example, if there is burst pipe or so, we will come and arrange emergency repair straight away up to 5 years from completion, if there is significant damage than we will put insurance claim without your involvement against our insurer. If there is broken tap or kitchen appliances etc, equipment fault we will try to sort it with manufacturer on your behalf first of all, worst case you will have to buy/reimburse for this part, and we will refit it for free.
We are part of Maq Builders Ltd. All Rights Reserved | ICO office and CITB registered | Copyright 2024-2025 © | Photos on this website showing our work and were taken with clients permission